The event has been opened by Kálmán Nagy, vice chairman of the County Assembly.
Krisztina Budai from NAKVI presented the details of the ICT project financed by the South-East Europe programme including the next steps ahead. The surveys of the route sections on the respective borders between Hungary and Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia are being launched by the project partners based on the common methodology that has also been presented by Ms. Budai. The methodology is in conformity with EuroVelo standards and aims to identify the optimal ininerary in terms of safety, attractivity, bike-friendly services and related sustainably mobility connections.
Tibor Polgár on behalf of the Lead Partner Westpannon Non-profit Ltd. presented maps on cycling related projects impelmented in Vas and Zala counties in recent years. The presentation included maps on potential alternatives on the route.
After the presentations participants put forward several ideas and suggestions about the itinerary and potential organisations to be involved into the survey process or the operation of the route. These inputs will be considered when preparing the survey.