Partner’s name: ANTIGONE - Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non Violence
Project manager: WPRED - West Pannon Regional and Economic Development Nonprofit Ltd
What was your task in the Iron Curtain Trail project?
Regarding analysis and planning activities, as an Iron Curtain Trail partner (ERDF PP6), ANTIGONE held the responsibility to conduct a survey on the Greek part of the cycling route updating existing information regarding infrastructure, services etc. as well as to deliver a detailed action plan in relation to the above. Furthermore, the organisation submitted a feasibility study for the upgrade of the combined public transport and cycling and prepared a collection of existing good practices that take place in the region under survey.
Concerning offers, ANTIGONE developed 4 combined sustainable transport offers as well as 2 combined sustainable tourism offers. Also, it conducted activities related to service networks designing and setting the basic criteria for the establishment of an accredited cycling friendly service network establishing a bike friendly service network in the area of ICT (Cyclists Welcome Hellas).
To support Iron Curtain Trail project’s organisational development ANTIGONE organised and run one 2-day study tour that took place in the Greek part of the cycling route and participated in study tours run by other project partners.
As far as it concerns the promotion and external communication of Iron Curtain Trail project to wider target groups (end - users, daily cyclists etc.), ANTIGONE took on to develop a national webportal according to EuroVelo standards as well as create an application of a smart guide with map that could be used by all interested cyclists. For the broad promotion of the project, ANTIGONE also organised a series of events including seminars, meetings and cycling in the region along the Greek part of the cycling route.
In Iron Curtain Trail project, ANTIGONE was the responsible partner for the inner communication activities targeted to cycling and tourism related services, public and private developmental bodies, national and regional authority representatives and other related stakeholders. Under the framework of this work package activities, the Half Time and the Final Iron Curtain Trail Conferences took place while all partners participated in cycling related events so as to promote the project to the inner target groups. All project partners organised dissemination events and workshops addressed to relevant stakeholders while Iron Curtain Trail subsites and blogs were developed by all partners in the national languages. The official project website in English language was also developed. Partners translated and disseminated to their dissemination lists the Iron Curtain Trail project e-newsletters and they also published electronic and paper press releases. Towards the promotion of the project, Iron Curtain Trail brochure in English and leaflets both in English and in partners national languages were created and disseminated by all partners.
Apart from the above mentioned tasks, ANTIGONE also contributed with input to the completion of project activities that were hold under the responsibility of other project partners.
What is your overall opinion on the project?
Taking into consideration that the different stakeholders in the participant countries are in different stages of development and had different experiences and backgrounds, according to ANTIGONE, in overall, the completion of project activities has been successful with Iron Curtain Trail being able to built on a fruitful follow-up.
What are the main achievements of the project for your region?
1. Public awareness for sustainable mobility and tourism opportunities through EuroVelo routes to national and local governments, to tourism promotion / destination management bodies and to cyclists
2. Creation of new sustainable transport and tourism opportunities for the communities along the Iron Curtain Trail cycling route in Greece.
3. Integration of sustainable mobility and cycling routes in Greece to the transport and tourism strategies and to national operational programmes in order to provide resources in the next programming period (2014-2020)
How do you think this project can have a follow-up for your region?
Iron Curtain Trail project can build up on future common projects (INTERREG) run jointly with neighboring countries for the realization of the route and the functioning of common transport and tourism offers.