Partners’ Meeting on the Itinerary of “Iron Curtain Trail: Sustainable mobility along the newest EuroVelo route” , South East Europe Programme, October 2nd 2013 , Thessaloniki, Greece
On Wednesday, October 2nd 2013, “Iron Curtain Trail” project partners held an internal meeting on the third work package project activities (WP3) concerning the itineraries of EuroVelo 13 routes. The main objective of the meeting was the evaluation of criteria to indicate “Iron Curtain Trail” itineraries that could be the attractiveness of the routes, safety, comfort, border location etc., partners also elaborated on the criteria of signposting set for EuroVelo cycling routes. The outcomes of the meeting have been incorporated into the finalized methodology on surveys and action planning:
On Wednesday, October 2nd 2013, “Iron Curtain Trail” project partners held an internal meeting on the third work package project activities (WP3) concerning the itineraries of EuroVelo 13 routes.
The main objective of the meeting was the evaluation of criteria to indicate “Iron Curtain Trail” itineraries that could be the attractiveness of the routes, safety, comfort, border location etc. Under the coordination of Adam Bodor, representative of European Cyclists Federation (ECF), partners also elaborated on the criteria of signposting set for EuroVelo cycling routes.
The outcomes of the meeting have bben incorporated into the final methodology on serveys and actrion planning: