The Iron Curtain Trail invites people to retrace and experience the former division of the continent on a 9000 km cycle track along the western border of the former Warsaw Treaty States. It runs through 20 countries of which 14 today are member states of the European Union.
The track combines European politics, culture, history, nature and sustainable tourism.
The project Iron Curtain Trail (ICT) is supported by the South East Europe (SEE) Programme aims to develop and promote the EuroVelo13 route in a wide European partnership.
The project aims to connect SEE regions by the ICT long distance cycling route, to improve accessibility of the SEE regions by bicycle, to connect cycling and public transport opportunities and to promote cycling and combined sustainable transportation as a means of sustainable mobility. It also provides opportunities to exchange experiences and transfer know how among partners involved.
At regional level, the project will contribute to future improvement of cycling, sustainable transport and tourism.
The partnership behind the project involves Regional Development Agencies from Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Republic of Macedonia and NGOs from Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Greece. The project is also supported by the European Parliament as well as the European Cycling Federation since it is an initiative contributing to the development and promotion of the EuroVelo network.
The kick-off meeting of the ICT project took place between the 5th and 7th of February, 2013. in Szombathely, Hungary. On the first two days partners have discussed the detailed work plan of the project, day 3 was opened for a wider professional audience of the Austrian-Hungarian border region. Michael Cramer, Member of the European Parliament and Ádám Bodor, director responsible for the EuroVelo network at the European Cycling Federation held presentations on the EuroVelo network and cycling tourism in the EU and more specifically on the EuroVelo 13 route, the Iron Curtain Trail.
Program | South East Europe |
Total budget | 1 404 441,05 EUR |
Project duration | 2012. 10. 01. - 2014. 09. 30. |
West Pannon Regional and Economic Development Nonprofit Ltd | Hungary |
Regional Government of Burgenland | Austria |
Ekopolis Foundation | Slovakia |
Hungarian Cycling Alliance | Hungary |
Regional Development Agency Mura Ltd. | Slovenia |
Bulgarian Cycling Association | Bulgaria |
ANTIGONE-Information and Documentation Center on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non-Violence | Greece |
South Transdanubian Regional Development Agency Nonprofit Limited Liability Company | Hungary |
Greenways Methodology Association | Hungary |
Association of South-western Municipalities | Bulgaria |
Bulgarian Association for Alternative Tourism | Bulgaria |
National Institute For Research and Development in Tourism | Romania |
Moj Bicikl - NGO My Bike | Croatia |
Yugo Cycling Campaign | Serbia |
Centre for development of the South-East planning region | Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia |